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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Business Section, St. Cloud, Fla.

December 31, 1951
Dear Friends,
and I was ?
the most beautiful day I ever saw
James and Mason?
Parker Store
Groveland, Mass.

St. Cloud, FL was founded in 1911 as a retirement community for Civil War veterans, built on land from the Seminole Land Investment Company and a nearby sugar plantation.  Today, the St. Cloud Heritage museum is housed in the former Veterans Memorial Library, designed by Orlando architects Ida Annah Ryan and Isabel Roberts in the Prairie Style.

I truly wish that James and Mason(?)'s friend had not had such shaky handwriting.  My guess is that a recent stroke might have led to both her illegible writing style and the phrase "the most beautiful day I ever saw."  Was her beautiful day a sunrise over Lake Toho?  Shopping the post-Christmas sales in the business district?  Satifaction over her preparations for a wild New Year's Eve bash?  


  1. Hey, Darren - It looks like:

    Dear Friends
    80 here today
    and Christmas day
    the most beautiful
    day I ever saw
    at Chandlers sat out
    on veranda with ??
    have ?? seen these
    cool days ??

    M :-)

    1. Thanks, Michael! It's hard to read some of these. I have some illegible cards coming up that are completely in French!
