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Friday, April 27, 2012

Entrance to the Clubhouse, Hialeah Race Course, Hialeah, Fla.

The beautiful Royal Palm Driveway to the Club House at Hialeah Race Course is familiar to thousands of visitors all of the year.
Miami Beach, Fla July 16, 1952

Have thought about you so many times since we are here staying over on the Beach for several days.
Alice and Albert W.

Mrs. C. K. Kettering
Annville, Penna.

It seems very likely that C.K. Kettering is related to the people that started Kettering Corner in this small Pennsylvania town of about 4,000 people.  Kettering Corner is an historic ice cream parlor that seems to cater to the students of Lebanon Valley College, also located in the town.  It's family owned, so we'll see if they can shed any light on C.K. Kettering or Alice and Albert.  

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Scene on Island Waterway between Palm Beach and Miami, Fla.

Palm Beach, Fla, December 15, 1942

Dear Feverfew:-

Greetings from Florida once more- guess it will be for the last season until the war is over so we must make the most of it.  We are at Trailer Garden, W. Palm Beach for the winter and like it here.  Friendly people and a very pretty small camp.  Husband’s sister and her husband are at Lake Worth, seven miles from here, I a home so we shall be with them at Christmas as usual.  We go there for Sun. dinner usually, the only driving we do.  I can if weather is right, walk to shopping center about 1 ½ miles.  The open beach is probably ½ mile further across Lake Worth. 

Best Wishes,

Mrs. Etta Briggs
Pratt St.
Halifax, Mass.

Wistful musings about the war being over from a tin can tourist.  With gas rationing during the war, visitors to Florida found their journeys limited, if they could travel to Florida at all.  The Trailer Garden may still exist, given the rough directions that our Wanderer provides us.  

Etta Briggs was born in 1877 and died at the age of 91 in Halifax, Massachusetts.  The town of 7,000 people has a historical commission, so I have contacted them to shed any more light on Ms. Briggs and perhaps her mysterious "wanderer."

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Beautiful Hialeah Race Course, Hialeah, Florida

A rear view of Hialeah Race Course Grandstand, a familiar sight to thouasands of tourists.
Jupiter, Fla., January 29, 1949

I am having a grand time.  Have a good sun tan already.  We also catch a lot of fish.
Marion, Dora send regards. 


Mrs. Louis Niegel?
756 Irving P.Red. 13
Chicago, Ill.

After seeing the misspelling of “already,” I read the last line as “Me also catch a lot of fish.”

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Walking Ring and Clubhouse at Gulfstream Park, Hallandale, Florida

Miami, Fla.  February 20, 1954

Dear Patch-  Have just sent cards to my other furry friends (your Va. Cousins)  tried to find appropriate cards, so even though you’re a bit  young to follow the horses, thought those trees might interest you- or do you still prefer the rugs?

Master “Patches” Miller
c/o Ruth Ann Miller
R.D. #3
Lebanon, Penna.

The question that troubles me is the identity of “Patches.”  I’m guessing that “Patches” is an animal of some sort, and the sender of this postcard has transcended into full dementia, believing that this animal is truly interested in playing the horses over urinating on trees and carpets, unlike her other furry friends in Virginia. 
Lebanon, PA is a town of about 25,000 people today.  Ruth Ann Miller is a fairly common name, so a precise record of her living (or her death) in Lebanon is hard to pinpoint.  R.D. #3 is a curious abbreviation, and looking it up on Google Maps points to a Home Depot just outside of town.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Looking Across Pancoast Lake, Miami Beach, Florida

One finds a colony of hundreds of modern Hotels and Apartments designed with all the comforts for the Beach visitors, winter and summer, on a very narrow strip of land between the Atlantic Ocean Pancoast Lake and between 25th and 44th Streets.
Miami Beach February 27, 1950

Had dinner with Julia and Malcolm today- They were very pleasant
Took us sailing in 36 ft. auxiliary- Hugh was sick so I just called and said hello.  Nan was out- couldn’t get her on the phone- got transported by chauffeur Swastika is a beautiful house
Peggy and Fairfax were there with 2 kids-
Very pleasant in all.
Verado Beach tomorrow.

Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cassidy
162 Grace Rd.
Babylon, New York

A colony of Importantly-Capitalized Hotels and Apartments!  Where Julia and Malcolm live!  Ohm they are so pleasant.  A 36 foot auxillary was either a boat, or a lost German army division, secretly laying in wait within Miami Beach.  No sign of a house or any establishment in Miami Beach called “Swastika,” which seems highly unlikely to find just 5 years after World War II.  Varado Beach tomorrow, Washington, DC next week!

Seriously, there was a "Swastika House" in Miami, and it was named after the Indian symbol of the Sun.   Industry magnate and Florida land boom profiteer William John Matheson built the house in the early 20th century, and passed it onto his son, Malcom.  There is also a Swastika Park subdivision in Miami, built in 1917, most likely by Mr. Matheson.  Malcolm Matheson demolished the house at 3645 Ingraham Highway in the 1970's,  but the tony subdivision in Coconut Grove still retains the name.

The house on Grace Road in Babylon, New York doesn't exist.  Neither does a Grace Road in Babylon.  The city of over 200,000 people doesn't seem to have an online record of a G.W. Cassidy, which is strange if the sender knew so many of Miami society folks.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

UPDATE: Business Section St. Cloud

Hey everyone,

I thought I'd repost this postcard so you could compare it to the present day (as of April 2012) look of the business section of St. Cloud.

As you can see, not much has changed in the last 51 years at the intersection of New York Avenue and 10th Street.  The St. Cloud Hotel, on the right side of 10th street is still standing, although it doesn't seem like it's currently open for business.  Down on the left side of the street, there's one that is.  Also, the bank building on the right side, just past the clock is now a thrift store, one of many in the business district.  If you visit, you can eat at Crescent's Coffee and Tea  or the Cobblestone Cafe, which is attached to the old St. Cloud Hotel.

Flamingos and Nests at Hialeah Park, Miami, Fla.

The famous flock of flamingos of Hialeah Park is always a centre of interest to all visitors.  This family was recently increased by 62 young birds which were hatched and are being reared in this flock.  The scene illustrated shows adult birds and their mud and grass nests.  Several eggs may be seen.
Hialeah, Fla. December 31, 1945

Dear Gramp
I saw these flamingos through a powerful looking glass.  They are really pretty.
Love Cindy

Mr. H. J. Taylor
556 W. Chestnut Street
Lancaster, Pa

Let's add these words:  “…on my rifle.”  “…and tasty.”  Love Cindy.

The flamingo is a native species of South Florida.  And is actually consumed as a delicacy in some Caribbean countries and India.  There are plenty of recipes on the internet, though finding flamingo meat might be a challenge.

The house at 556 W. Chestnut Street, built in 1890 still stands.  Unfortunately, the Lancaster County Online Property records do not go back far enough to show any activity regarding the property.  And in a city of 500,000 people, the surname Taylor is fairly common.  

Monday, April 16, 2012

Mcfadden-Deauville Pool, Miami Beach, Florida

Saint Augustine April 8, 1948

Saw a wonderful water show here.

When are you coming to visit us?  We start home Tues.  Should be there in a week or so. 

Mr. and Mrs. Horace L. Campbell
Route 2
Rogersville, Mo.

"A usual crowd at the renowned water carnival held every Sunday during the winter season at Deauville Pool, Miami Beach, Florida."  The MacFadden-Deauville Hotel pool is still in operation, now known as the Deauville Beach resort.

Sadly, the SSDI lists a Horace Campbell as deceased in Rogersville, MO on September 1, 1972.  Since the small town has a population today of a little over 3,000 people , I feel pretty confident that this Horace is the same as the recipient.  I was hoping to find him in these historical photos.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Castillo de San Marcos with the Shrimp Fleet in Matanzas Bay, St. Augustine, Florida

CASTILLO de San Marcos with the shrimp fleet in Matanzas Bay, St. Augustine, Florida
This grim gray old fortress still protects the harbor entrance to St. Augustine.  Construction was started in 1672 and it was not completed until 1756.  It has been under siege by British fleets and Pirate hordes, but never captured  During one siege the entire population of St. Augustine lived entirely within its walls.

Lake Wales, Fla, January 31, 1957

Thursday 6 A.M.

Plan to start out across the Everglades today.  Spent the day on the beach in Fort. Lauderdale.  The water was wonderful.  Had beautiful weather so far.  Hate to think of cold weather.  Be seeing you.
Hazel, Ike, Ken

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murphy
N. Railroad St.
Palmyra, Pa.

It looks like Hazel, Ike and Ken are taking the long way to get to the Everglades.  If you can imagine a Nash Rambler, moving over an Indiana Jones-type map of Florida, the red line would be slowly moving to St. Augustine, south to Ft. Lauderdale, then across the state to Lake Wales, where the postcard is marked, and where the scene would fade to Nazi orange pickers.  Wait, what?

As a Florida native, I’ve been to Castillo de San Marcos many times, and see it on many vintage postcards.  (In the 1930’s, it was called “Fort Marion,” which has no connection to Indiana Jones movies.)  However, I forgot the fact that this fort took 84 years to complete.  Think of that when you’re waiting for that new Performing Arts Center or road construction to be completed. 

Palmyra, PA is a small town, but apparently not small enough for absolute general delivery.  Unfortunately, no records of someone from the Murphy clan residing on Railroad exist.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sunset Scene in Florida

Punta Gorda, Fla, August 8, 1937

Am have a fine time go fishing every day it is very warm here and it makes me feel like a young fellow

Love to you all

From your ever loving brother W.E.

Mr. H. L. Post
Main St.
Farmingdale, N.Y.

Punta Gorda is close to Cleveland, which the Post brothers seem to enjoy.  The town of about 17,000 people was founded in the late 19th century on the south side of Charlotte Harbor.  Most of the town was severely damaged during Hurricane Charlie in 2004, but the city and historic district have undertaken a revitalization campaign.

Still no word on Gladys Post.  Hopefully soon we will know more about the traveling lumber brothers of Long Island.

Roney Plaza Hotel, as Viewed From Collins Park, Miami Beach, Florida

Roney Plaza Hotel as Viewed from Collins Park, Miami Beach, Florida
Miami’s hotels are unsurpassed by any throughout the entire world.  The Roney Plaza, surely one of the most palatial ever built is one of Florida’s proud boasts.  Its setting of tropical palm and flowers glowing with color invite to rest and play in the warm winter sun.

Postmarked Miami, Fla. November 15, 1937
623 NE 83 St. Miami, Fla
Dear Folks
Will hear we are in the sun shine and flowers it has been a lovely week not to warm and we hve been as buisy as bees are pretty well straitened out now wish you could be hear

Love from Hon Sue
Mr. & Mrs Harry Post
393 South Main St.
Farmingdale, L.I. N.Y.

Roney Plaza was demolished in 1962 to make way for what the Miami New Times called a monstrosity of a building.  The address given in Miami is home to a sunglasses distributor.  And the lumber business owned by the Post family in Farmingdale is now an expansion parking lot for the funeral home next door.

However, in addition to yesterday's find of Gladys Post, a possible descendant/contempory, it looks like Harry Post was an amateur roller skater back in 1955!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Greetings from Florida (with a Pelican limerick!)

A Gorgeous Bird is the Pelican,
Whose Beak can Hold More than his Belican,
He can put in his Beak, Food enough for a Week,
But I’ll be d----d if I can see how the Helican.
Mr. and Mrs. Pelican
There are those who like the Northland,
            With its cold and all its sleet,
Winter winds blowing through you
            As you hurry down the street.
Here we stroll among the roses,
            In the sun that shines so warm,
Eating fruit and smelling flowers,
            With our coats upon our arm.

West Palm Beach, Fla March 7, 1930

Dear Harry:-
While Fern is doing fine, it will be at least another month before she can be moved, wish you were here.  I am writing this sitting on the pier with almost 500 Broad bill within 10 feet of me. 

H. L. Post
Farmingdale, N.Y.

Farmingdale is a small village on Oyster Bay of about 8,000 people.  It was carved out of the Bethpage purchase made by Thomas Powell in 1685 from the local Marsapeque, Matinecoc, and Sacatogue tribes.  The Post family was a prominent family in all of Long Island, most of whom descended from a Captain John Post in the late 1600's.  An H.L. Post is mentioned in the 1913 Journal of the New York State College of Forestry as owning a "wood-using" business in Farmingdale.  The business at 393 Main Street was owned by a Gladys K. Post at least until 1985, which is the last record available from the Nassau County Property Assessors Office.  

An email on an alumni website for Far Rockaway High School exists for Gladys, so I will send her a link to this post and update later.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tarpon in MId-Air, a Thrill to All Fisherman

Cleveland, Fla March 29, 1937

Dear Bro.  3/28/37
This is the life fishing every day and have good luck but it soon will be over.  Expect to leave around the 13th April as it is getting very warm here.  How is the weather up there I hope nice.  Love to all

W. E. Post

Monday, April 9, 2012

Bathers Under the Palms on Miami Beach, Fla.

A Daily Beach Scene- in January or July
Postmarked Miami, Fla.
October 20, 1936
Dear Lottie glades Harry
Don’t this make you feel like taking a dip.  I guess not up thair but it does down hear.  I am pretty buisey getting things straightened up.  We had a fine trip although it rained most all the time on the road.  Love From Hon Sue?
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Post
393 South Main St.
Farmingdale, L.I. N.Y.

Two changes to the Post Family-  first, we notice that Harry now has a wife, or at least one worth addressing.  Second, we have an address.  Unfortunately, the house was demolished years ago to provide a parking lot for the McCourt and Trudden Funeral Home.  Perhaps they performed the services for the owner of the house they would eventually consume.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Growing Pine Apples in Punta Gorda, Fla.

Cleveland, Fla. 1929?

Best Regards
Alex Cort

Mr. Harry Post
Main St.
Long Island
New York

The first pineapple was introduced to Florida in 1860.  Pineapples are not grown in significant commercial quantities in Florida, but many Florida residents, including your author has planted the top of this bromeliad in the ground and grown a fruit for the squirrels and raccoons to steal.  (Note to self:  build squirrel-proof greenhouse for spring.)

Florida does indeed have a Cleveland. Located in Charlotte County, along the confluence of the Peace River and Charlotte Harbor.  The fishing village has a population of about 3,000 people.

This postcard is the first of six that I have regarding the Post family of Farmingdale, NY.  It's a small community on Long Island on Oyester Bay in Nassau County.  

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Indian Creek, Miami Beach, FL

Indian Creek, Miami BeachMany luxurious homes border on this tropical waterway.  Over its smooth surface Gar Wood races his famous “Miss Americas”
Miami, Fla January 23, 1944

Pvt. D. E. Phelps
912th Tr. Gp. Sq. 121 Flt A
AAF Training Center #1
Miami Beach, Fla


Dear Dad,

Haven’t got time to write a letter home today.  I’m trying to get caught up on both my letter writing and sleep.  We had a big parade & review this afternoon.  By the sun was hot and in a parade you can’t wear sun glasses.  Well take it easy.  I’ll write later.

Love, Dan

Mr. H.S. Phelps
54 Willow Ave
W. Somerville, Mass

Notice that this postcard is without a stamp, and our Private Phelps auspiciously wrote “FREE” where the stamp should go?  That’s how we won WWII, through audacious acts such as this, and writing “FREE” everywhere our troops went in Europe and the Pacific.

Private Phelps was part of Army Air Forces 5th district, activated in 1943, headquarters in Miami Beach.  In addition to training U.S. pilots, the center trained Royal Air Force pilots as part of the lend-lease agreement with Great Britain.  The 912th Training Group was a squadron of refueling planes that saw plenty of action in support of bombers in World War 2, and is still active today.  

What became of Private Dan Phelps is a mystery.  The town of Somerville, first settled in 1630, has about 75,000 people.  The Middlesex County Registry of Deeds goes back to 1974, and the only listing for a Phelps in Somerville is a 1993 bankruptcy for someone who may or may not be a direct descendant.  Thankfully, the National Archives List of Army and Air Force World War Two Casualties lists an Ernest Phelps, so as far as I can tell, Dan survived long enough to go back to his home on 54 Willow St.

Friday, April 6, 2012

The "TOTE" Board at Hialeah Park Race Track, Miami, Florida

WHAT’S THE ODDS- The smart “hoss players” remain behind the stands to watch the early pre-race betting odds before placing their bets.  This tote board is one of the most popular spots at beautiful Hialeah Race Track just outside Miami.
Miami, March 28, 1951

Again with the French!  The TOTE Board, or Taking Only The Easy.  Talking Over Trash Exits.   Trailers On The Effluent.  Trans-Orbital Tank Engine.  The Opposition Thanks Everyone.

Beautiful Hialeah Race Track is still around.  Built in 1925, the race track has featured many famous thoroughbreds such as Seabiscuit and Citation, been visited by the likes of Frank Sinatra and John F. Kennedy, and was the setting for the movies The Champ and Let It Ride.

I'm not even going to begin to transcribe the French on the postcard.  Anyone read French?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

"Sausage Tree" (Kigella Pinetta), Florida

Sausage Tree (Kigellia Pinatta) Florida
Saint Petersburg, Fla

April 13, 1943

We saw this strange tree 4 years ago in Miami.  Can’t do much driving this year on account scarcity of gasoline.  If I could see my friend in Hyde Park, bet you I could have all I want.  We will be seeing you before long.  Weather like summer here and hate to leave it. 

George Schryver

Mr. C Kisselbrach
Pine Plains, N.Y.

As I sit outside 10 days and 59 years from the date on this card, I am reminded that it is very much like summer already, although not quite as oppressive as July and August can be here in Florida.

I discussed the Kigellia Pinatta a little yesterday, and found a more recent study using the bark extract as an anticonvulsant.  I should also add that this species is not quite invasive, as it only thrives in south Florida, much like its native habitat of tropical Africa, so its fairly scarce when considering Florida as a whole.

Gasoline was scarce during World War Two, and scarce enough that Mr. Schryver decided against taking the near 20 mile trip across the Gandy Bridge to his friend in Hyde Park, Tampa.  Tampa has the largest port facility in Florida, especially when it concerns bulk freight such as fertilizer and gasoline, so maybe George's friend worked for the harbormaster.  

Pine Plains, NY is a town of about 2,500 people.  The surname Kisselbrach appears in some archived papers in a 1930 story about the widow of George Kisselbrach getting married at age 78 to an 83 year old widower and a 1970 story about Lulu Kisselbrach's trip to Europe.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Sausage Tree, Miami, Florida

Sausage Tree (Kigella Pinatta), Native of AfricaThis strange tree fruit closely resembling huge bologna sausages is the Mecca of Metropolitan Miami sightseers.
Miami Beach, FL  June 3, 1948

Hello Katie Dear,

We are having such a lovely vacation. 
Wouldn’t this tree come in handy if we have a meat shortage?


Miss K. Olsen
129 W 11th Street
Davenport, Iowa

Yes, Mabel.  A meat tree would be great for a meat shortage, but so would elderly Florida winter residents.  Solyent Green, baby!

Again, we have a featured area attraction based on invasive species.  “Ha, ha, crazy African tree…it looks like bologna- where did all our native plants go?” The sausage tree, or Kigella Pinatta, produces fruit that is unpalatable for humans, but there are recent studies exploring the possibility of using the plant's bark to treat amoebic infections.

Davenport is a fairly large city and filled with many Olsens, whether they be Katie’s or Katherine’s.  The house at 129 W. 11th Street is still standing, but the property built in 1900 apparently has no records in the time frame provided by the Scott County Recorders Office. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Great Banyan Tree, Thomas A. Edison Winter Home, Ft. Myers, Fla.

Banyan Tree (Ficus Bengalensis)

Ft. Myers January 29, 1957
Hello Rhea?
Wish you could be here with us.  We are going to the beach to-day.  Just like summer.  What is going on up there any way. 
As ever,

Palm N Trailertown
% Bannett
Ft. Myers, Fl

Mrs. Rhea Thomas
210 Pearl St.
Burlington, Vermont

Given to Mr. Edison by Harry Firestone in 1925.  It was brought over from India, growing in a butter tub and was 2” in diameter at that time.  Now over 90 feet in diameter around the trunk.
So basically, some old rich white guy brought an invasive species to his friend, also some old rich white guy, where it thrived.  Now it’s a tourist landmark on the grounds of the supermassive estates where people that live in tiny sheet metal boxes pay money  to see it.  What is going on down there anyway, Frank?

Palm N Trailertown is still listed as an existing trailerpark in Ft. Myers, one of many in the vicinity.
Burlington, Vermont is the largest city in Vermont with a little over 200,000 people, about one third of the population of the entire state.

A Miss Rhea Thomas is mentioned in an archived obituary for a Floyd Thomas, her brother who sided in 1949 at the age of 58.  The house at 210 Pearl Street has been converted into apartments, but is historic enough to be featured on this University of Vermont history website, which states the residence was built in 1885 by a George D. Wright.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Colorful Macaws, Parrot Jungle, Miami, Fla.

Miami Beach, August 20, 1956

How do you like these parrots, bet you like your parakeet better.

Regards, love?
Uncle Gio?  Eunuch Gro?

Miss Anita Lennar? Lemar?
2984 Westbrook Ave
Cincinnati, Ohio

"So tropical is south Florida the wild parrots live in the hammocks and get along as well as native birds."

So tropical is south Florida that wild invasive species get along just fine with native fauna as they edge them out of their established ecosystems.  If you live, or have ever visited the suburbs of south Florida, you may see wild macaws comfortably establishing themselves as in this YouTube video.  Basically, “Eunuch Gro” is right- the parakeet is better.

The house at 2984 Westbrook Ave is still standing.  According to the Hamilton County Auditor's Office (fun fact- the auditor's name is Dusty Rhodes), the structure was built in 1952 and sold in 2003.  Thanks to “Uncle Glo’s” spastic script it is hard to determine Miss Anita’s surname, but given she is referred to as a “Miss” in 1956, it is fully conceivable she is still alive as of this writing.  

Sunday, April 1, 2012

An Exclusive Helicopter Scene of Miami Beach

An exclusive Helicopter scene of the Fabulous Miami Beach Hotels from 29th St. and Collins Ave. to the “Firestone estate.”  Indian Creek Drive is on the left.

March 12, 1955.
French text?

Mrs. Anthony Pospisil
6714 W. 16th Street
Berwyn, Illinois

Ooh!  An exclusive Helicopter scene!  So exclusive that it’s Capitalized!  Just Like The Hotels In Fabulous Miami Beach!

The “Firestone Estate” refers to the mansion of Harvey Samuel Firestone, the founder .  In 1954, it was demolished for the construction of a new hotel- the Fontainebleau, so this card was printed and sat around for at least two years.  

Berywyn, Illinois is a town of about 55,000 people in Cook County, near Cicero.  Mr. Pospisil's address is unclear through Google StreetView, but it's in a nice little neighborhood across from Abe's Auto Repair.  As to Mr. Pospisil's identity, the state of Illinois lists a barber license that expired in 1987 for the same name.  Perhaps someone in Cicero remembers a French speaking barber?

I hope someone can make out the text.  The script makes it difficult to read, but as stated above, I believe it’s French.